A tentative hello :)

I have no idea what I am doing here. In all senses! I’m a WordPress virgin (though I guess I’m not now), which means I really don’t know how this thing works. That, in turn, means there will be a lot of mistakes, potential deletings because I don’t know how to save whatever I’ve written. I’m obviously having some kind of mid-life crisis. Why else would a 40-something married mother of 3, grandmother of 4, be embarking on a WordPress blog thing?

Ahh, so there is a very small intro to my personal life. I’m aiming to remain quite mysterious, though I may throw in some notes about the husband, one of the darling children, or one of the cherubic grandchildren. The main aim of the blog is to give a small insight into the life of a healthcare assistant. We are in the UK, (we meaning me and usually whoever I may (anonymously) mention during my witterings), and I work on an acute medicine ward in a very busy hospital. I’ll throw in real stories, with identifying information witheld, so aliases will always be used to protect those I write about. Any names used in conjunction with a story that are the same or similar to someone else’s in real life is purely coincidental. A lot will be regarding my feelings – frustration, helplessness, weariness, happiness, excitement, confusion, anger, sadness….pretty much any and every emotion imaginable. I’ll also add photos where I can, which will never contain anything that can identify other individuals or the ward I work on. 

As this is a “diary” blog, it’ll also contain life away from work. So basically anything I want to share, from places I’ve visited, to how I feel on a particular day, to food, to serious stuff, and everything in between. I can’t promise to blog every day, as I may simply not have time. It may be one entry a week, depending on what’s going on, but it’ll likely include whatever has gone on throughout the week. 

I hope you follow my journey as I travel it, the good and the bad and everything either side. I’ll try to stick with being light hearted, but there will always be some heavily serious stuff too. You can skip those entries if you like. I won’t mind. But I hope to be able to resonate with some readers as I go along. I’ll never look for sympathy but rather understanding. I am not a literary professional, but I do enjoy writing and sometimes I forget to stop. There will be grammatical and possibly spelling errors – especially if I’m in a very not happy frame of mind! But it’s all real and raw, it’s my life and what goes on. The mundane to many. A soap story to others.

Thank you for getting this far! If I haven’t bored you to death already, then congratulations 😉 (not sure if emojis will work but I’ve just put a winking eye on there lol).

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